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MS3 Networks

Design, implementation and maintenance of a system that enables the configuration, operation and ordering of telecoms packages

Industry: Telecommunications  

Technology: Angular, NestJS, Microsoft Azure 

Customer: MS3 Networks

MS3 Networks is a telecoms network operator based in Hull and East Yorkshire (UK). It brings together other partner companies that offer telecoms packages and facilitates their sale to end customers.


The problems were solved with Javascript code snippets for sorting custom packages and the Attributes by Finsweet library, which provides ready-made components based on HTML attributes.
The CosmosDB database is used for the database system and Redis for temporary data storage. The Nestjs framework was selected for the application logic, while the Angular technology from Bootstrap is implemented for the presentation layer.
This way, a fast and stable application was created that is also based on the Azure cloud. This allows the application to scale well with increasing data traffic and load without the need to suddenly expand the local infrastructure.

The project was split into two independent services:

  • A comparison engine, which can be found at The aim of this part of the system is to match users with the available package offers in terms of package type, speed, cost, contract duration or provider. 
  • A web application to finalise the order placed by the comparison engine, which has the following objectives:
    • Information about available dates for the installation of telecommunications equipment and the possibility to book a suitable date
    • Collection of contact information and delivery addresses
    • Confirmation and placement of the order in the system.



The client wanted to create a solution that would enable residents of the North of England to select and purchase telecoms packages from local providers that MS3 Networks works with.
The answer to this challenge is an online comparison engine with a dedicated ordering service. The solution bundles the most important information about available packages and is currently only available for private customers.

The biggest challenge was to integrate the changes into the existing Webflow-based service, as this is technically limited as a no-code tool.Furthermore, the system was to be locked via SMS verification using the Twilio service to prevent attempts to steal parcels or place unrealistic orders.


The Scrum methodology enables the team to organise itself and thus increase efficiency and shorten the delivery time of the finished product, which is also very important for the customer.

The implementation of the project in phases:

  • Brainstorming, planning
  • Figma mockups, creation of user stories, determination of the app's core functionalities
  • Analysis and setup of the AWS
  • Design implementation
  • Fine tuning of details and optimisation

Project success

  • All orders load 4 times faster than before, thanks to the native listing that WebFlow provides
    • Enormous increase in revenue and sales
    • Easier and streamlined ordering process
  • A great business solution, that encourages local partners to work with MS3 Networks by visibly increasing the conversion rate
  • An effective solution that attracts end customers through promotional offers unique to MS3 Networks

Do you have any questions or would you like a personal consultation?

We are here for you. Get in touch with us via our contact form or by phone


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